Sunday at the Patroness of family happiness - the feast of the Holy Family

On December 26, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family - Joseph, Mary and Jesus. During the Holy Masses, marriages were renewed in the sanctuary and families were entrusted to Our Lady of Licheń.

"God, in the Holy Family, you gave us a model of life, make us, united by mutual love, imitate her virtues in our families and reach eternal joy in your home" - prayers for families were prayed today in the Lichen basilica. This year, on December 26, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary and Jesus. During the Holy Masses, marriages were renewed in the sanctuary and families were entrusted to Our Lady of Licheń. After the noon Mass celebrated by the custodian of the sanctuary, Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, a Children's Christmas Caroling took place.
On Sunday, the letters of the Council for the Family of the Polish Bishops' Conference were read in churches:
"The Holy Family teaches us tender, responsible and selfless love, the ability to listen, to be ready to help and to constantly seek God's will in everyday life. (…) In the sacrament of marriage, a woman and a man receive help from God: what is human and fragile is confirmed and strengthened by God's grace. How edifying is the image of respectful spouses, open to life and caring for their children, who treat the family as a treasure and gift from God. " In the letter, the bishops recall the elements of the Church's teaching on marriage and the family, calling it "a kind of sanctuary in which God dwelt" and "domestic church" and the path to holiness. It was noted that "despite the many signs of a crisis in marriage, the thirst for the family is still alive, especially among young people, and motivates the Church", therefore "Christian teaching on the family is good news that brings hope to the world and shows the way of renewal".
Text and Photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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