Good Friday and Holy Saturday are the only days of the year on which the Catholic Church worldwide does not celebrate Mass. The Holy Easter Triduum, that is the time from the Mass of the Lord's Supper to the Second Vespers of Resurrection Sunday, is one great liturgy for believers. The day before, the mass was not finished with the blessing and dispatch of the faithful, and the liturgy on Good Friday did not begin with the sign of the cross.
The liturgy in honor of the Lord's Passion, which included the liturgy of the word, adoration of the cross, Holy Communion and the procession to the Holy Sepulcher, was presided over by Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, vice-custodian of the Lichen sanctuary. The liturgy began with the presbyter's processional entrance accompanied by complete silence. In front of the altar, the priest performed the rite of prostration, i.e. falling on the face, which shows the humbling of man and the sorrow and pain of the Church.
"'Here is the tree of the cross on which the salvation of the world is hung." In a moment we will welcome the cross that unites us during this sacred liturgy in honor of the Lord's Passion, ”said Fr. Stankiewicz. He made those present to reflect, ask themselves whether the cross would become commonplace in our everyday life? What truth does it remind of? “The cross tells us about sacrificial and faithful love and asks whether we are also willing to sacrifice? What sacrifice am I making of my life? It is always a sacrifice on our part to give ourselves to other people, to serve each other in the manner of Jesus, ”he emphasized, explaining that the sacrifice of spouses in everyday life is mutual support, and the religious is giving Christ to the faithful through the service of their lives.

The silence at the beginning of the Good Friday liturgy expresses the gulf between God's love and human sin. We admit in this way that we have no chance to either apologize to God or make amends to Him. We can only count on His mercy in Christ's work of salvation
"Let us ask about fidelity in marriage, families, priesthood or religious life, but in the first place let us ask about fidelity to the crucified love" - said the vice-custodian - "The cross is also a forgiving love. God does not punish, but forgives in every confession. Will I imitate forgiving love? Today the world needs witnesses to the love of the cross that Jesus teaches us. Let us ask Him for the gift of forgiveness for those who sin ”- the Marian remarked that the words must be followed by deeds.
During the Good Friday prayer of the faithful, which includes the intentions of the whole world: incl. Pope, bishops and priests, believers, as well as unbelievers or the sick and suffering, this year also prayed for peace in Ukraine: exiles, to separated families and orphaned children, give us hearts that are sensitive to the needs of the newcomers. Through Christ our Lord ”.
“The Word of God has illuminated us, marked with the Lord's cross on the day of our baptism. Therefore, we will bow our heads to Him now. We are now beginning the second and most important part of the liturgy, the adoration of the cross. Thanks to Christ, the cross ceased to be a sign of shameful death, and became a sign of salvation, ”the commentator explained.
After adoration of the Cross and Holy Communion, the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament was transferred to the Holy Sepulcher in the lower basilica, in the chapel of 108 Martyrs of World War II. Bitter Lamentations were prayed in front of the Holy Sepulcher. Christ was also adored by the friends of the Volunteer Fire Department Grąblin, who accompanied the entire Friday liturgy.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office