The main heroes of the museum lesson conducted in Museum of Fr. Józef Jarzębowski at the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń there were Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pułaski.
American soldiers in Licheń

Lichen was visited by US National Guard soldiers stationed at the 33rd Air Transport Base in Powidz. In addition to participating in a museum lesson prepared for them, they had the opportunity to visit the Licheń basilica and look at the surroundings from the height of the observation deck of the basilica tower.
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of May 3
The lesson was conducted by Patryk Kazuś in cooperation with Justyna Zacharek, who was the translator - they told the story of Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski - these are heroes that Poles and Americans remember. The topic of the meeting was built around the upcoming anniversary of the May 3rd Constitution. The lecturers recalled that the Polish constitution was the first in Europe and the second in the world (after the US constitution) written constitution.
The guests had the opportunity to see a copy of the United States' Declaration of Independence from the beginning of the 19th century. original hussar cones, or koncerz. Participants in museum lessons have this unique privilege of having personal contact with the exhibits. So the soldiers could pick up selected sabers or helmets and even try them on!

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office