May weekend at a Licheń sanctuary

This year's May weekend will be different than usual. However, this does not mean that we have to spend it at home. In the gardens of the Licheń sanctuary, you can spend time walking and enjoying the beauty of nature awakening to life. Willing people can use a special bus line this year, which will run between Licheń and Konin on the weekend in May.

- “This year, for the first time in history, you will be able to come to Licheń by bus from the Miejski Zakład Komunikacji in Konin. The special line "Licheń" will run between Konin and the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń Stary from 1 to 3 May. It is an offer for people who have difficulties with getting to Licheń and would like to visit the sanctuary "- explained Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Lichen sanctuary.

The buses will run four times a day. In Konin, buses will start their route from the stop at the railway station. In Licheń, the final destination will be the parking lot at the pilgrim's house in Bethlehem. Additionally, the buses will stop at the car park located opposite the Grąbliński Forest.

On Saturday, May 1, Marian Fathers invite you to Mass in the Grąbliński Forest. This day is the 171st anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to the shepherd Mikołaj Sikatka. Holy Mass in the Grąblin forest will be celebrated in front of the Pine Chapel at 12.00 in compliance with the sanitary regulations regarding the coronavirus pandemic (masks, distance). At the same time, the Eucharist will be celebrated in the basilica in connection with the commemoration of St. Józef, a craftsman. The hosts of the sanctuary invite you to pray together for working people, jobseekers and people at risk of losing their jobs.

On Sunday, May 2, is National Flag Day. The main Holy Mass will be celebrated in the basilica at 12.00. Marian Fathers encourage this day to be an occasion to pray for the Motherland and to show our attachment to the national colors. On this day, we will hang flags in red and white on the facades of our houses and apartments.

On Monday, May 3, there is the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. Main Holy Mass in the Licheń basilica at 12.00. After the Mass concert of Marian songs performed by Mrs. Barbara Kaczor, organist of the basilica.

On these first May days, it will be possible to participate in the May services (5:00 PM), adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or attend the Sacrament of Penance (during every Holy Mass).

Pilgrims who wish to come to the Licheń sanctuary in the coming May weekend will also be able to take advantage of the gastronomic offer of the Ark and Bethlehem pilgrim houses. In the pilgrim's house in Bethlehem, guests will have at their disposal a cafe and a restaurant. In turn, at the pilgrim's house of Ark, there will be a restaurant. Both facilities will be open from 9am to 7pm. All meals are available to take away in the form of catering.

The faithful will also be able to admire the views of Lichen and the surrounding area from the observation tower on the west side of the basilica. On the May weekend, the tower will be available from 9-17 with the observance of the sanitary regime (masks, disinfection). On the other hand, in the bell tower of the basilica, you will be able to see the largest bell in Poland, "The Mother of God".

MZK bus departure times from Konin (PKP stop): 9:00, 10:45, 13:00, 15:00.

Departure times of the MZK bus from Lichen (DP Bethlehem): 9:45, 11:30, 14:00, 18:00.

Lichen Stary, April 28, 2021

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