We pray for marital unity - A day of prayers for marriages in crisis

Participants of the midday Mass prayed for a renewal of marital love. August 28. In the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń it was the Day of Prayers for Married Couples in Crisis.

Midday Mass was performed by Fr. Bogusław Binda, MIC, superior of the Lichen community of Marian priests. On the memory of St. Augustine, one of the four doctors of the Western Church, recalled that during the Eucharist in the temple we are at the source of Life, and nothing is impossible for God, as long as we are open to his graces. - Today we want to pray for those who face various difficulties in enslavement and sin - he said, recalling the example of the life of St. Augustine - the story of the saint's conversion. - Let us remember to convert and be witnesses. It is important to live the Word of God every day, caring for your inner temple. Let us learn from Mary to say "yes" to God. She shows us Christ who is the Way. We want to invite Mary to our domestic church, trusting that we will be able to persevere in good and achieve the glory of heaven - said Fr. Binda.

- Called up to marriage may go through a difficult time in their mutual relationship, experience a crisis, but it does not have to lead to the breakdown of the marriage. If a married couple turns to Christ, from him they will surely receive the grace of renewing love and the strength to overcome the difficulties they encounter.

Those willing after the Eucharist could take with them a folder with a prayer to Our Lady of Lichen for marriages in crisis and a special Novena to Our Lady of Lichen for marriages at risk of disintegration. Tomorrow, Sunday, in the Licheń sanctuary there is a Day of prayers for children and young people starting the school year.

It is worth remembering that every Saturday evening Holy Mass in the basilica is offered for the intention of married couples and families. And married couples can renew their marriage vows and ask for perseverance in love. 

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