Prayer for spouses

At the feet of Our Lady of Lichen, Patroness of Family Happiness, prayers were given for the intentions of those called to marriage

During the main Mass celebrated at 12.00, chaired by Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, both spouses and fiancées were prayed for. They also remembered about trying to have children and marriages in crisis. The Eucharist was celebrated from the form of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Mother of beautiful love. During the liturgy, the gathered spouses renewed their marriage vows. Throughout Saturday, several dozen couples received diplomas on the occasion of their wedding anniversary.

Our Lady is present in your families and in this holy place. Her maternal gaze pierces every pilgrim. This look of a caring Mother, concerned about the fate of her child ... She invites us to constantly nurture love in our homes and families. We experience, as at a wedding in Cana, the shortcomings, sometimes pushing away, misunderstanding. Here Mary, with her piercing, motherly gaze, points to Jesus. How can we find Him in our daily lives? You have to open your heart to His coming through Mother - He does not want to be only a guest, but a companion in the life of each of us, He wants to share with us our joys, sorrows, pain and difficulties of everyday life.

Holy Masses for families are celebrated in the Licheń sanctuary every Saturday at 7.00 p.m. Then the spouses renew their marriage vows. Jubilarians can receive commemorative diplomas - it is enough to report to the Pilgrim Service Office in advance. Today, on Sunday, July 19, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, the 2nd National Pilgrimage of the Rosary will take place - with the main mass at 12.00 and a rosary procession. At 14.30 you will be able to listen to the next concert of the 2nd International Lichen International Organ Festival Basilica sonans - performed by prof. Bartosz Jakubczak from the Academy of Music. Frederic Chopin in Warsaw.

Text: Justyna Zacharek, Sanctuary Press Office

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