The families and spouses participated in the Retreat Oasis of the Diakonia of the Light-Life Movement from the Warsaw-Praga diocese at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń on November 10-14

Whole families, a total of about 150 people, participated in the meeting, which was an element of constant formation, and a synthesis of what the Light-Life Movement is. The members of the community were strengthened in the charism of the movement, recalled various contents, and above all came to discern how they could serve God and the Church with the gifts they had received. The retreat oasis was filled with prayer, daily Eucharist, conferences, talks, but also sunny evenings. On the National Independence Day, children and their guardians prepared a patriotic academy.
The members of the Light-Life Movement are formed every day. Spouses through conjugal and family prayer and prayer with the Word of God. As part of the Home Church community, they meet in the so-called circles, i.e. groups of 4-5 marriages once a month for three hours. They spend the first hour sharing their worries and joys, also in the light of spirituality. The second hour is filled with prayer, and the third hour deals with topics that help shape them into people of faith.
More about the Light - Life Movement here
- We derive great joy from being in the community - say Kasia and Rafał Jakubaszak, who belong to the Light-Life Movement. They experienced major health problems that were humanly hard to handle with young children. - Community prayer lifted me from a lying position when I could not get up to do anything for my family. Through the Home Church, God responded to our desire to be with Him. We got rid of barriers in relationships and we learn from the experiences of other marriages. We are also a role model for children who open up, for example, during evening prayer. Then we learn things that we might not have heard. Thanking God for a good evaluation or meeting, we learn a lot about children. And the action of God in our lives also gives them a sense of security - emphasizes Kasia.
- Faith brings us closer and allows us to go through life together - Rafał notices. - As a couple, we go in one direction, we share common values. We see that it is able to endure all trials, because we always have the help of the Most High. We invite him to help and we feel his real presence in our lives, and he helps on various levels, even economic. This presence gives us a lot of peace and joy in marriage - add Kasia and Rafał. They agree that at the beginning of the relationship they felt butterflies in their stomachs, but today, years later, they experience what a gift and what a grace sacramental marriage is.
The meetings of the Oasis of Light-Life Movement were held in the conference room Domu Pielgrzyma „Betlejem”.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office