Funeral ceremonies of the late Fr. Jan Wojtkiewicz, MIC

On Monday, December 14, 2020, Fr. Jan Wojtkiewicz, MIC. Marianine lived 71 years in the congregation, 65 of which as a priest.

Late Fr. Jan Wojtkiewicz, MIC (1932 - 2020)

Funeral ceremonies began with a rosary prayer, which from 13.00 was led by Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, vice-custodian of the Lichen sanctuary. Holy Mass the funeral was presided over by Fr. Tomasz Nowaczek, MIC, Superior of the Divine Providence Province.

At the beginning of the Eucharist, the Marian remarked that he had not expected that his confreres would have to bend over the tomb of another Marian so soon. He also emphasized that the Congregation of the Marians is touched by God in a very similar way as it happened in the times of St. Stanisław Papczyński. In his opinion, in today's world torn by plague, the charisms given to the Marians by their founder are becoming especially relevant.

Remembering the late Fr. John, Fr. Nowaczek said that in his life the deceased "wandered the rags of the world, but when talking to him one could get the impression that his everyday life was perceived as God's thirst, which manifested itself in various ways. I trust that God will do him justice and achieve the glory of heaven. "
After the Mass the coffin with the body of the deceased was taken to the Lichen parish cemetery, where it was placed in a grave in the Marian quarters.

Late Fr. Jan Wojtkiewicz, MIC, died in the monastery in Licheń Stary on Saturday, December 12, 2020, on the memory of Our Lady of Guadelupe. He lived 88 years. He spent the last 15 years of his life in Licheń serving in the local Marian shrine.

Lichen Stary, December 15, 2020

Text: Robert Adamczyk, Sanctuary Press Office

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