Rekolekcje trzeźwościowe „Ożywieni Słowem”, 18-20 czerwca 2021.

Almost 60 people from all over Poland, on the weekend of June 18-20, took part in the sobriety retreat "Revived by Word" organized at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń

During the three days of the retreat, the participants listened to the conferences that were held in an atmosphere of prayer. On Friday, June 18, at the Lichen Golgotha, a unique Way of the Cross took place, combined with the testimonies of the participants. The next sobriety retreat at the Licheń sanctuary will take place this year on September 10-12 and December 10-12.

“This retreat is aimed at everyone. We had a problem with alcohol at home, so I thought this was the right place " - says Beata from Włocławek, who came to Licheń with her husband. - “Participation in the sobriety retreat confirmed me that the problem of alcohol that appeared at our home is not a punishment. That maybe I'm in the right place - in the sense of this family - that maybe I can help my husband through it, survive. Maybe he does not have to go through this so-called bottom, maybe we can do it sooner. I detached myself from my problems, I gave the Mother of God what had happened in our lives so far. "

“We start our retreat days with Lauds, reaching back to the Church's Tradition. We get to know the Lectio Divina method so that it can be used to study the Word of God. There is a common reading of the Word of God, a comment by the leader and an invitation to one-on-one meditation. The theme of the retreat "enlivened by the word" is taken from the upcoming Licheń Sobriety Meetings. The word surrounds us. It is present in our everyday life. Man's word is not always animating. Sometimes he is even a killer. We want to show God's Word, which has the power to heal, lift and resurrect. All people who have experienced any kind of addiction or bondage are invited to the retreat. Today, this range of addictions is very large. We usually associate sobriety with not drinking. However, this is a big simplification. It can be freedom from porn, food, computer, and cigarette addictions. They are also codependencies, where the addicts living in our environment limit our freedom. "

Fr. Zbigniew Borkowski, MIC, Director of the Licheń Center for Assistance to Families and Addicted People

St. James - 12 Steps for Christians is a place to deepen the relationship with God and other people, where by implementing the 12 Steps, he tries to accomplish God's will in his life. The June retreat was another visit to Licheń, both of the community and the environment associated with the TVP program "Survivors". Both realities have been involved in the annual Sobriety Meetings in Licheń for several years. - "Community of St. Jakub delighted me " - says Beata - "adult men, in their prime, after such ordeal that it is beyond my mind that you can get out of it, they are not afraid to put a cross in front of the altar ”.

Rafał Porzeziński, originator, creator and host of the program "Survivors"

"We came with the Community of St. James and the Survivors community to talk about the 12 Step program - where did this amazing program come from, written by alcoholics, and how can it help not only alcoholics, but also everyone to become beautiful, wise, good, honest? We are talking about the road from crisis to holiness "

During the conferences delivered, Rafał Porzeziński spoke about the correlation of the Letter of St. Jakub with the 12 Step Program. "This letter is only 5 chapters of the New Testament, and was the source text for the 12 Steps program of AA" - explains the journalist - “Those who have read it know how close it is to what gives us happiness - there are words that faith, however beautiful it may be, means nothing without works. We can declare faith and live wickedly. Faith in God is still nothing - it is important to believe Him, to take a risk, to build on rock. ”. Referring to the Licheń Sobriety Meetings planned for July 23-25, he stated that: “It will be an occasion to notice the Eternal Word and the importance of our words. In order not to waste them left and right, do not swear. James' letter teaches that the importance of the word is important. When you say something, stick to it. Instead of saying a thousand times you will, do your job. I am glad that so many sobriety realities show up here. I hope this year the truth will be heard, that our sobriety is based on the fact that our speech is consistent with our thoughts and what we believe. I think that after a year of long break, we will throw ourselves into each other's arms. The main point is to fall into the arms of the One who created us, gave us love and continues to support us. It is going to be a great time in Licheń! "

It can be said that the June retreat prepared the ground for the National Sobriety Meetings, which will be held for the 28th time on the last (full) weekend in July. This year, the event will take place on July 23-25. The organizers have planned meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous, Drug Addicts, Gamblers, Nicotinists, Food-drinkers, Sex and Love Addicts, Depressants, Debtors, Sexaholics and Abusers, and Al-Anon - Relatives and Friends of Alcoholics, DDA / DDD - Adult Children of Alcoholics / Children with Dysfunctional Dysfunction , Alateen - Children of Alcoholics, S-Anon - Relatives and Friends, as well as the St. James - 12 Steps for Christians. The meeting of the Survivors' Community will be held in the hall of the Pilgrim House "Bethlehem" on July 23 at. 15:00 and 25.07 at 10:00. The guest of the meetings will be Fr. Marek Dziewiecki, the laureate of this year's Pelican statuette - an award for a person who deserves sobriety. Meetings are a space for experiencing God - there will be the Way of the Cross and Holy Masses. They are also called the "Meeting under the stars" because of the nightly meeting held traditionally in the open air in front of the basilica.

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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