Ordering a commemorative plaque

Zwiedzając licheńską bazylikę, ujrzymy na jej ścianach wiele tablic a na nich wyryte różne nazwiska i imiona, nazwy miejscowości czy podziękowania Matce Bożej za otrzymane łaski. Są to tablice pamiątkowe zamówione przez ofiarodawców licheńskiego sanktuarium.

Dimensions of commemorative plaques

  • 20 × 40 cm / Price: PLN 1,200
  • 40 × 40 cm / Price: PLN 2 400
  • 110 × 60 cm / Price: PLN 12,000

Bank transfer details

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń
ul. Klasztorna 4
62-563 Lichen Stary

Bank account number:

59 1320 1449 2769 6770 2000 0004

Bank accounts here


The commemorative plaques can be ordered as follows:

  • personally, at the Pilgrim Service Office
  • e mail: by sending the order form for a commemorative plaque in the attachment download here
  • by traditional mail to the following address:

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń
ul. Klasztorna 4
62-563 Lichen Stary

  • by completing the form below

A memorial plaque order form

Fill out the form below and send it using the button Send.

  • When ordering the board, please provide the content and the selected dimension of the board.
  • The inscription on the smallest board should contain a maximum of 9 words (in the case of other board sizes, the number of words may be correspondingly greater).
  • The most frequently placed content are: names, surnames, place names.
  • After receiving the form, we will contact you to close the order.
  • The term of the contract is several months.
  • After completing the order, you will receive information with the board code, it is necessary to find the place to place the board.

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Commemorative plaques of the donors of the Licheń sanctuary in the lower basilica


lipiec, 2024