Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Indulgence celebrations

Indulgence of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - CELEBRATION PROGRAM
Information from the Press Office of the Sanctuary

This year's Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be on August 14-16 at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń an occasion for a triple celebration: commemorating the 170th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady in Grąblin, 53rd anniversary of the coronation of the image of Our Lady of Lichen and the hundredth anniversary of the Miracle on the Vistula .

The indulgence celebrations will begin on Friday, August 14 with Marian Vespers and Holy Mass. at the coronation altar in the old part of the Sanctuary. After the Eucharist in the Licheń basilica at 8:15 pm Mrs. Barbara Kaczor, a lichen organist, will play the concert "Magnificat. We praise God with Mary. " After it, the Marian Appeal and a procession with lights will traditionally take place.

On the day of the indulgence, August 15, the faithful will pray in the basilica at 11 Rosary for the Fatherland. At noon, the main Mass will be celebrated, during which the choir of the Lichen Basilica "Stabat Mater" and the Sanctuary Wind Quintet will sing.

In the afternoon, at 2.30 pm, the delegation will lay flowers at the memorial obelisk of the Battle of Warsaw 1920, and the Holy Mass. at. 16 will be celebrated for the intention of those who died in defense of their homeland in the Polish-Bolshevik war of 1920.

The pilgrimage celebrations will end on Sunday. At. 15 from the church of St. Dorothy in Licheń, a procession will set off to the chapel of the apparitions in Grąblin, where the Holy Mass will be celebrated.

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