Holy Saturday. Liturgy of the Easter Vigil

The Saturday Liturgy of the Easter Vigil, which is the first Mass of the Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection, is the greatest feast of the Church during the entire liturgical year. On Holy Saturday, Christians all over the world experience the mystery of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, his Passover, that is, the passage through death to a new life.

The celebration of the Liturgy of Holy Saturday began with the rite of blessing the fire, followed by the main celebrant of the celebration, Fr. Rafał Krauze, MIC, pastor of the parish of St. Dorothy in Licheń Stary, he sang the Easter Message - a hymn in honor of the Risen Lord.
This year's celebration of the Easter Triduum, due to the prevailing coronavirus epidemic, had a slightly more modest dimension, and the rites of blessing the fire and lighting the paschal took place in the presbytery, at the altar, and not outside the temple.
W trakcie liturgii słowa odczytane zostały cztery czytania począwszy od opisu stworzenia świata, przez historię narodu wybranego, po wypełnienie proroctw Starego Testamentu dotyczących śmierci i zmartwychwstania Jezusa Chrystusa. Po uroczystym zaśpiewaniu hymnu „Chwała na wysokości Bogu”, gdy w kościele zabrzmiały po raz pierwszy od Mszy Wieczerzy Pańskiej organy i dzwonki, wysłuchano fragmentu Listu św. Pawła Apostoła, który przypomina, że „jeżeli umarliśmy razem z Chrystusem, wierzymy, że z Nim również żyć będziemy” oraz uroczystej Ewangelii obwieszczającej zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa.
The homily during the ceremony was delivered by Fr. Rafał Krauze, MIC. At the beginning, the priest asked the faithful to close their eyes and imagine Friday more than 2,000 years ago, when Christ died on the cross. Marianin quoted the meditations of the American pastor SM Lockridge entitled "It is Friday but here is Sunday" which was an introduction to further reflection.
- “We gathered on Saturday and these events happened at night. Jesus rose in the night. He is the sun that has broken the night. We are already participating on Sunday today, ”said Fr. Krauze.
However, he noted that the disciples had not yet known about the resurrection - they were still alive on Friday. Jesus prepared them for this event by saying But on the third day I will rise again.
- “The students could not accept this message because their hearts were closed for Sunday. In addition, the first women to appear at the tomb terrified them, saying that Jesus was risen. Today's liturgy leads us from the darkness of Friday to participate in the light of resurrection. In this way we express our trust in the Lord's promise, ”continued the Marian.
The parish priest explained that today we need to ask a question about where I am at this moment?
- Am I still on Friday? Am I still living and living the day of Christ's death? Or maybe I'm experiencing Saturday? Friday is just over and Sunday is not yet here. When we look at our experience, we experience Lent much more. But we miss Easter. Friday is closer to us. In the liturgy, we look to our worries and struggle with them. Jesus wants to come to us. And he wants to tell us Do not be afraid. I have conquered the world, ”he concluded.
The liturgies of light, words and the renewal of baptismal vows that followed the homily were the introduction to the climax of the celebration - the Eucharistic banquet in which Christ's Passover was made present - his passage through death into a new life.
The end of the Liturgy of the Easter Vigil was the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the hymn of praise "You, God, we praise", after which the main celebrant blessed the faithful present in the Lichen temple with the Blessing of the Blessed Sacrament, so that the Risen Christ would accompany us in all circumstances of life, and we would they could become partakers of his glory in heaven in the future.

Easter Sunday is ahead of us. Holy Masses in the Licheń basilica at 6.00, 7:30, 10:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 18:00.

 In the Licheń parish, all festive Masses will be celebrated at the coronation altar next to the parish church. Holy Masses will be celebrated at 8:30, 10:30 and 17:00. As the parish priest explained, thanks to this solution, a larger number of the faithful will be able to participate in the solemn celebration of the Lord's Resurrection.

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