We are entering a time of vigil in honor of the Lord. You don't have to understand or remember everything. All you need to do is let yourself be led by the liturgy, open your eyes, ears and heart to welcome the coming Lord: in signs, in the word, in the Eucharist, in community, in the movements of the Holy Spirit. We are waiting for this liturgy all year round. She will carry us all year round.
"Today we gather at this Easter liturgy to glorify God, so that in our hearts a joyful 'Alleluia' may be heard," emphasized Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, vice-custodian of the Licheń sanctuary, chairman of the Liturgy of the Easter Vigil, celebrated tonight in the basilica in Licheń.
The Easter Triduum is the summit of the entire liturgical year. During this time, Catholics recall the most important truth of the faith that Christ redeemed humanity. The center of the celebration of the Easter Triduum, which began with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, is the Liturgy of the Easter Vigil, which is called "the mother of all Vigils". This most solemn of all liturgies of the year belongs to the Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection. Christ's resurrection in Licheń was awaited while adoring the Holy Sepulcher in the lower basilica. The companions of the Volunteer Fire Department in Grąblin were also on guard, who were on guard at him from Friday evening.

Oh, truly blessed night, the only one worthy of knowing the time and hour of Christ's resurrection. About this night it is written: and the night will shine like a day, and: the night will be my light and joy ... On this night full of grace, receive, Holy Father, the evening sacrifice of praise that the Holy Church offers You ...
The Passover celebration began after dark with the sacrifice of fire in the square in front of the basilica. "Dear brothers and sisters, on this most holy night, on which our Lord Jesus Christ passed from death to life, the Church calls her children, scattered all over the world, to gather together for vigilance and prayer." After the lit Paschal candle was brought into the dark interior of the temple, the faithful lit their own candles from it.
In the homily of Fr. Stankiewicz noticed that during the Easter Vigil we can be similar to the women of the Gospel. We come to the liturgy, to the tomb of the Lord. “We often come to the Eucharist like Peter, out of curiosity what will happen there. Nothing ended on Golgotha - it began. Today we come to look not so much at the empty tomb, but to rejoice our heart with a joyful Hallelujah, because the Son of God gave his life for me, ”said the Deputy Custodian.
"Death, as St. Paul, he has no power over Jesus. He lives. He gathers us today for this Eucharist. He, who rises from the dead, today brings the Eucharist to each of us as a gift. 'Whoever eats my flesh has eternal life' is Jesus' gift to us so that we do not leave here empty-handed. That we would bring him to those who may have stayed in their homes and chained to their beds. He wants us to carry Him through gestures and words, ”the Marian encouraged.
“The Church gives us a gift. We are the Church! We think it's the Pope, bishops, priests… It's true. But is it not true that we have all entered the family of God's children through Baptism? How do I care for this holiness? " Asked the priest. “We are offended at times by the Church. We forget that he is sinful like all of us. But he is holy because Christ God is in him. This holiness is a task God gives us today. The Risen One is present in it through the sacraments and through his Word. Do I have enough courage to care for this Church? "
Po Liturgii Światła i Liturgii Słowa nastąpiła Liturgia chrzcielna. Odnowiono przyrzeczenia chrzcielne. Modlono się także „za wszystkich, którzy zostaną ochrzczeni w tę noc Zmartwychwstania na całym świecie”. Na zakończenie Eucharystii odbyła się procesja rezurekcyjna. Obecni podczas liturgii druhowie z Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej w Grąblinie kultywując dawną tradycję upadli na twarz przed Zmartwychwstałym. Druhowie, którzy przybyli na wigilię paschalną ze swoim sztandarem, nieśli podczas procesji baldachim i wspomagali kapłana niosącego monstrancję. Procesja rezurekcyjna to nie tylko uroczyste ogłoszenie Zmartwychwstania Chrystusa. To także zaproszenie całego stworzenia do udziału w triumfie Zmartwychwstałego. Celebrację zakończyło uroczyste odśpiewanie hymnu „Te Deum” i błogosławieństwo Najświętszym Sakramentem. Paschalnej liturgii swoim śpiewem towarzyszył Chór Bazyliki Licheńskiej „Stabat Mater” pod dyrekcją Jacka Hyżnego.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office