77th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

The 77th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising was emphasized by the concert of Patriotic Songs and the ringing of the bell "Mary the Mother of God" at the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń Stary.

After the southern sum is finished, approx. 1:15 pm, the concert started Patriotic songsj in the performance Of the Sanctuary Brass Quintet.

„Marsz, marsz Polonia”, „Wojenko, wojenko” czy „Szara piechota”, to tylko niektóre z utworów, jakie mieliśmy okazję usłyszeć podczas koncertu Sanktuaryjnego Kwintetu Dętego z okazji 77. Rocznicy wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego.
A patriotic song concert performed by graduates and students of the Music Academies of Poznań, Łódź and Bydgoszcz took place on Sunday, August 1 in the Licheń basilica after the noon Mass.

„Chociaż tyle w świecie miast,
More than the sky of stars.
Time flows most beautifully here,
Warsaw is closest to the heart. "

To słowa „Poloneza Warszawskiego”, którego dźwięki wypełniały licheńską świątynię. Wśród prezentowanych utworów znalazła się także dobrze znana piosenka „O mój rozmarynie” – w ludowych wierzeniach, rozmaryn jawi się jako symbol miłości i wierności. Kwiat ofiarowany dziewczynie przez żołnierza podczas rozstania był znakiem nadziei na koniec wojny i szczęśliwy powrót do ukochanej.

Sanctuary Wind Quintet

The team was composed of:
Maciej Gwóźdź (trumpet, founder of the Sanctuary Brass Quintet),
Piotr Żurek (trumpet),
Piotr Ostrowski (tuba),
Mateusz Olszewski (drums),
Łucja Pawlak (trombone),
Hubert Wrochna (trombone).

In turn, after the Mass. at. 16.00, exactly at 17.00, on the 77th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, the largest bell in Poland sounded in Licheń - "Mary the Mother of God". In this way, in the Licheń sanctuary, the memory of the fallen insurgents was commemorated.

The Warsaw Uprising broke out on August 1, 1944 at 5.00 p.m. ("W" Hour). The armed fights were fought in Warsaw until October 2. For 63 days, the insurgents waged a lonely and unequal fight against the German occupier. The civilian population of the capital also took an active part in the fight, suffering huge losses. The Battle of Warsaw resulted in the destruction of the city, the death of about 150,000. people. Adolf Hitler, informed about the outbreak of the Uprising, gave the order: “Every inhabitant should be killed, no prisoners may be taken. Warsaw is to be razed to the ground and in this way an intimidating example is to be created for the whole of Europe ”.

The uprising for the next generations of Poles became a symbol of bravery and heroism in the fight for independence.

Monument to the Warsaw Insurgents / Licheń

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