On January 22, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, Sorrowful Queen of Poland, celebrated the Sunday of the Word of God with the entire universal Church and the 5th Family Day of Grandparents and Grandparents.
– Because of you, dear grandmothers and grandfathers, God works in this world, where there is so much hatred and divisions, where there is no hope and meaning. Through you God has been welcomed in connection with the hardships of life, smile and kindness. He wants to say that He is and by His grace we can have the longest moments
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC

Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Licheń sanctuary, who presided over the Sunday Mass. in the Licheń basilica, he noticed that not only the closest ones, but also the Lord God thanks grandparents on their holiday day. Especially for the presence and testimony of salvation. – He wants to thank us for cooperating with Him, and through everyday life we respond to the grace of existence – said in the homily Fr. Kumala.
Referring to the Gospel, the custodian of the sanctuary noted that Galilee was an abandoned and little-respected geographic region, but it is to this region that Jesus comes and preaches the Good News, pouring hope into the hearts of the inhabitants. – This is also the hope anchored in Christ in our lives. God wants to lift us up, lift our spirits even in the darkest moments of life, and we expect from grandparents that they will confirm young people in this hope, which we need like air. Unity is also expected today. Sin divides people among themselves, which is why we need faithfulness to God, which translates into unity. The last word that flows from today's Gospel is vocation. Christ calls the apostles, invites those who are involved in their lives. Today, many young people are leaving God, how important then is the patience and prayer of parents or grandparents. We too are called to be fishers of men, to share our testimony about God, said Fr. Kumala. The celebrant emphasized how important it is for grandparents to feel needed because they are present and love.

After the liturgy, there was a concert of carols dedicated to grandmas and grandparents. The choir of the Lichen Basilica "Stabat Mater" performed Christmas carols arranged by Polish composers, such as Jan Antoni Maklakiewicz or Stanisław Niewiadomski. You could hear both romantic and warm lullabies ("When a Beautiful Lady", "Sleep Baby"), the Latin motet "Christus natus est nobis", as well as Christmas carols referring to national dances: the polonaise - "God is born" or the oberek - "Birth of the Lord." The band was accompanied by Paweł Opala on the organ of the Licheń Basilica.
During the concert, the singers told the story of the birth of Jesus Christ by singing Christmas carols. The performance took place against the backdrop of a nativity scene, and the performers themselves, dressed in period costumes, took the viewers back to the times when the baby Jesus was born.