Prayer day for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

The memory of Bl. Marianna Biernacka, who gave her life for her daughter-in-law during World War II, on July 12, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, an opportunity to pray for good relations in families.

Gathered on Sunday around the altar of the basilica in Licheń under the leadership of Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the sanctuary, lived the day with Bl. Marianna Biernacka, on July 12, the Day of Struggle and Martyrdom of the Polish Village. Marianna, elevated to the altars by St. John Paul II in 1999, among 108 martyrs of World War II, she is the patron saint of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. She gave her life for her daughter-in-law, Anna, who, in advanced pregnancy, was chosen to be shot during the pacification of Leipzig by the Germans. - The way of our holiness is ordinary everyday life. These are our relationships, gestures marked by love and patience. This is the attitude of the parents towards their children, and later the children's attitude towards their parents. Then you can see if the Word of God bears fruit - said the curator during the homily. The image of Bl. Marianna is located in the chapel of 108 martyrs of World War II in the lower part of the Licheń basilica.

"Looking and not seeing, and hearing, they neither hear nor understand" were the words of Jesus in the Gospel read according to St. Matthew. - God the Father constantly talks to us. However, it often happens that we do not want to hear, or we hear but do not understand. And God does not stop talking to us so that we may experience His love - noted Fr. Janusz Kumala. - All the words of Jesus lead us to discover and believe that God loves us - he emphasized and prompted the faithful to reflect on whether I am interested in what God says to me? Or are we like a rock and there are thorns in our heart? There is no environment for the grain to yield a crop? - The parable of hearing is needed because Christ the Sower sows abundantly, without sparing the seed. It is important that we are fertile soil, that the seed should bear fruit in our hearts, as in the heart of Blessed Marianne, said the Marian.

During World War II, the Germans selected 50 inhabitants of Leipzig to be shot, including the son and daughter-in-law of Marianna Biernacka. When the mother heard the verdict, she fell and pleaded with the officer to be able to go to death in exchange for her daughter-in-law. Anna was raising a 4-year-old daughter and was in an advanced state of pregnancy. The Germans agreed. After 2 weeks, they executed an execution in which Anna lost her husband and mother-in-law. The rescued daughter-in-law recalled that they lived with her husband and mother-in-law modestly, they ate from one bowl, but were happy. - May our family relationships bring happiness. Blessed Marianna encourages us to pray if someone experiences problems in family relations. To open up to God who shows us how to live. The way to holiness is the daily gestures of kindness and love - emphasized Fr. Kumala and entrusted the gathered people to Our Lady of Licheń, the Patroness of family happiness.

On Sunday, there was also an organ concert as part of the 2nd International Lichen International Organ Festival Basilica Sonans. Concerts performed by outstanding organists from Poland and abroad in the Licheń basilica will resound every Sunday at 14.30 until the end of August.

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