II Wielkopolska Bicycle Pilgrimage

The 2nd Greater Poland Bicycle Pilgrimage set off for the second time from the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń Stary with a smile on his face and in favorable spring weather

Fr. Dariusz Hirsch blesses the participants of the pilgrimage

The expedition started at 10.00 at the Coronation Square in the old part of the Licheń sanctuary. Before setting off on the tour, the cyclists met Fr. Dariusz Hirsch, MIC, who blessed them and wished them a successful journey and safe reaching the finish line.

Among the 35 participants of the expedition was Mr. Paweł Hejman, a cyclist associated in the Cycling Tourism Section of the PTTK Ciclo Konin Tourist Club. As he explained, this year's route was very similar to the one that cyclists covered during the inaugural pilgrimage in 2020. - “The only difference was that this year the rally was attended by children, which forced some modifications and a slight shortening of the distance covered. We wanted all participants of the expedition to safely reach the finish line, because it is mainly about having fun, spending time outdoors and a nice atmosphere, not sports rivalry ”.

During the 2nd Wielkopolska Bicycle Pilgrimage, the parish in Licheń was represented by 9-year-old Nadia Szmyd from Grąblin, who was the youngest participant of the rally. - "It was fun. For me it is quite an effort, but I managed. When my grandmother said that a rally was being organized, I wanted to ride it, ”said a second-grade student of a primary school in nearby Anielewo.

For little Nadia, who learned to ride a bike at the age of 4, it was the first challenge of its kind in her life. However, as the girl said, she will definitely go on a pilgrimage again in the future, because she enjoys riding a bicycle. The girl was accompanied by her grandmother Wanda.

During the pilgrimage, the cyclists stopped in several places, including in Ignacewo, at the monument commemorating the fallen January insurgents from the unit of General Edmund Taczanowski, who on May 8, 1863 fought a battle with the overwhelming Russian forces commanded by General Krasnokucki.

The event was organized jointly by the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń Stary, Konin branch of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society and The Cycling Tourism Section of the PTTK Ciclo Konin Tourist Club.

After the pilgrimage, the cyclists met at a snack prepared for them. 

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