Lichen Community of the Rosary

We invite you to join the Lichen Community of the Rosary, whose mission is to pray for families and the Homeland in spiritual communication with the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland and Patroness of family life. At the same time, members of the community belong to the Marian Spiritual Family at the Licheń Shrine and follow the Mother of Christ in their daily lives in the service of God and people. A sign of their spiritual bond with the Licheń sanctuary is the presence of the image of Our Lady of Lichen in their home.        

On joining the community, at least one mystery of the rosary is recited daily. It can also be a prayer recited as part of other rosary communities or spiritual works, such as the Living Rosary, Jasna Góra Family of the Rosary, Spiritual Adoption of the Conceived Child, Pompeian Novena, Parents' Rosary for Children, etc.

Licheńska Wspólnota Różańcowa nie zastępuje, ani też nie jest alternatywą dla żadnej wspólnoty różańcowej, ale ubogaca modlitwę o orędzie Matki Bożej Licheńskiej wzywającej do nawrócenia i pokuty. Odmawiając różaniec, sercem trwamy przy Matce Bożej Licheńskiej. Dbamy też o podtrzymywanie, w miarę możliwości,  więzi z licheńskim sanktuarium poprzez lekturę licheńskich czasopism, takich jak: „Pielgrzym Licheński”, „Zeszyty Maryjne”, „Matka Pokoju”. Również poprzez uczestnictwo w rekolekcjach różańcowych oraz coroczne pielgrzymowanie do sanktuarium licheńskiego.

All members of the Lichen Community of the Rosary receive correspondence materials on current events in the life of the sanctuary. For the intention of the members of the Community, a Holy Mass is celebrated. every third Tuesday of the month.

To join the Community, please download and print the attached declaration. The completed and signed declaration can be sent as an attachment by e-mail to the following address or send it back by traditional mail to the address of the sanctuary.

Download the declaration of joining the Lichen Community of the Rosary