Licheńskie Spotkania Rodzin „Niedziela z Mamą i Tatą” w licheńskim sanktuarium

On that day, two angels welcomed visitors to the Licheń sanctuary in front of the basilica. In addition to meeting stilt walkers, the sanctuary features movement and dance games, circus games, games with an animation scarf and other props.

Sunday with mum with Dad in Licheń

The last holiday Sunday was traditionally the day of the Licheń Families Meeting. This year, after the mass during which children and teenagers received a blessing for the new school year, the youngest could enjoy games and fun with the KRAPITA circus group.

“Today we have a special intention - for God's blessing, health, needed favors, gifts of the Holy Spirit for children and young people who are about to start the school year. Also for teachers, educators and carers, that it would be a good time of cooperation and the best fruit, ”said Fr. Zbigniew Borkowski, MIC, director of the Center for Aid to the Family and Addicted People in Licheń, starting the main Mass on that day.

A unique element of the liturgy was the dialogue with the children. - Children, we are very happy to see you. You are all welcome. Dear parents, I want to thank you for bringing the children to church, for showing them the way to God. This is extremely important. No religious sister, no catechist priest is able to do what you are doing. You are with them every day. You bring by the hand, you translate. Even if it sometimes fails, it does not matter. This path to the church must be trodden, said Fr. Borkowski.

We can hear important content

- We are in the temple and there are so many of us. I have invited you, and now let us listen carefully to the Word of God. It is difficult for us to listen to our parents who are almost close to our ear. Listening here requires more concentration. Thanks to the fact that we listen carefully, we can hear important content - said the priest. - Today's Gospel invites us to have beautiful and pure hearts. Especially adults, because they are an example for children who watch. When a child sees a parent kneel to pray and does so systematically, there is no need to force him to pray.
During the liturgy, it was prayed for children and young people that by gaining knowledge, they would fulfill their duties with a sense of responsibility for themselves and others. Prayer was also extended to teachers and catechists, asking that their service would shape human hearts in accordance with God's will.
At the end of the liturgy, the children and young people were blessed: “... enlighten their minds, strengthen their wills, that they should always follow the way of Your commandments. Let them grow in age, wisdom and Your grace, let them boldly profess their faith in You and let them love You above all else. Protect them from all evil and danger, so that they can go to your kingdom with a clear conscience. "

Fun, games and angels

On that day, two angels welcomed visitors to the Licheń sanctuary in front of the basilica. In addition to meeting stilt walkers, the sanctuary offers movement and dance games, circus games, games with an animation scarf and other props. It was also possible to use games in the maxi version. After the Holy Mass, the children received pictures of Our Lady of Lichen.

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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