Over two hundred representatives of the youth of Voluntary Labor Corps from all over Poland prayed in Licheń on Thursday, October 7, thus starting the new training year 2021/2022
We want to thank the family of the Voluntary Labor Corps, for everything that this institution does for a young man. We can safely say that VLCs are like a mother who extends her hand to a young man and wants to help him. Thank you for all these good people: educators, teachers, instructors, commanders, who put so much effort into making this family serve and help everyone who needs this help ... we start with God, because if God in the first place, then everything else is in place.
Fr. prelate Jarosław Sroka, National Chaplain of the OHP, October 7, 2021
The inauguration was attended, among others, by Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy and Piotr Trybek, Director of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, as well as representatives of the OHP Headquarters, provincial headquarters, teachers and tutors of Labor Corps.
The pilgrimages of the Volunteer Labor Corps to the Lichen sanctuary began in May 1998, when, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Voluntary Labor Corps, Konin hosted the Polish National Rally of Volunteer Labor Corps in Konin. Since then, every autumn, during the inauguration of the training year in the Lichen basilica, people starting their education at the VLC take a solemn oath. The Act of Entrustment to the Mother of God is also being renewed.
On Thursday morning, after the solemn inauguration and welcome in the square in front of the bell tower, the participants headed towards the basilica. Before entering the temple, the delegation laid flowers at the monument of St. John Paul II, the patron of the Volunteer Labor Corps.
The VLC staff and young people from various parts of our country were welcomed in the basilica by Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Lichen sanctuary. “Our Lady of Lichen is called the Sorrowful Queen of Poland and the Patroness of family happiness - it is to her that those who seek happiness in their lives make pilgrimages. Through his image, he shows the way to happiness, which is faithfulness to the One who gave us life, ”said Fr. Kumala. He also recalled the words of Bl. card. Stefan Wyszyński, who called Our Lady of Licheń a special patron of Polish youth.

Addressing young people on the threshold of adulthood, he said: "The fact that you are starting the new year in such a place shows that you want to be happy with God who wants the best for us."
The Holy Mass at 10.00 was presided over by Fr. prelate Jarosław Sroka, National Chaplain of the VLC. "You bring everything that is in the hearts of young people, to Lady Licheńska," he said to the youth, stressing that the Licheń sanctuary is "an important place, necessary for man, sanctified by the knees of pilgrims kneeling in prayer, which is the way to God and the heart of another human."
The priest recalled the history of the Lichen sanctuary and the Miraculous Image. "A tiny picture, and at the same time so big, wonderful, showing us Mary, who hugs the eagle - our entire homeland. We can ask her to be present in our lives, ”encouraged Fr. Pie.
Recalling the value of the family, which is the essence of social life, the pastor reminded that family is respect and openness to other people.
“We want to thank the family of the Voluntary Labor Corps, for everything that this institution does for a young man. We can safely say that VLCs are like a mother who extends her hand to a young man and wants to help him. Thank you for all these good people: educators, teachers, instructors, commanders, who put so much effort into making this family serve and help everyone who needs this help "- said the prelate. "We start with God, because if God comes first, then everything else is in its place." The clergyman also mentioned the figure of the blessed Cardinal Wyszyński and his saying "time is love" so far from the phrase "time is money" that is often encountered today: "So what if you will have a lot, but there will be no love? You will not be a happy man. Therefore, St. John Paul II said that you must be more than have. "
"Mother of God, Immaculate Mary, help us find our own path in life. Make the oath taken by your altar help us work on ourselves, in the harmonious development of our physical, intellectual and moral abilities "- asked the representatives of the youth during the solemn oath of the participants of the first year of the VLC. They promised, among others performing duties with dignity, conscientiousness, respect for superiors, sensitivity to the values of the common good, the needs of other people, the nation and the human family. “To be a righteous and reliable citizen of the Republic of Poland, we vow! We entrust our fate to you, Our Lady of Lichen. Teach us to love God and all that is our homeland. Make our souls reborn. Protect us and keep us from all evil. "
The act of entrusting to the Mother of God was read by Anna Zdanowicz, Deputy of the Podlasie Voivodship Commander of the VLC: “We want to say today: we are yours. In your heart we place the beginning of the training year, all of ourselves, everything we are, our mind, emotions, thoughts, desires, all our past, future, our every step, every moment of our life. "
"We are in this unique place, where faith, hope and love pour into our hearts," said Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy, to the young people. She encouraged young people to set far-reaching goals for themselves, not to be afraid of going against the tide and not being afraid of the hardships that come their way in life. “I would like to wish that by combining study with work, shaping your strength of the character of the spirit, you set yourself these goals. First of all, that you should be good people and be able to create good families ”- said the minister.
The OHP Chief Commander, Piotr Modzelewski, emphasized the unique bond between the Labor Corps and the Lichen sanctuary. This year's meeting was special due to the 10th anniversary of the announcement of St. John Paul II the patron of the VLC. "We try to keep your life away from problems and failures, to be successful and remember that even small achievements bring joy to all of us. (...) Today's celebration is an occasion to reflect on what we will be aiming for, how our work, whether we are able to face private and professional challenges. I would like our actions to translate into help and support for young people. "

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office