Retreats in preparation for the general confession

Bo góry mogą ustąpić i pagórki się zachwiać ale miłość moja nie odstąpi od ciebie... mówi Pan, który ma litość nad tobą

There is an important life decision in front of you? Do you feel weak and powerless? Are you tormented by a sin that you once concealed at confession? Or maybe you just want to say to Christ once again: “I am sorry, Lord, for the wounds I have inflicted on You; I sincerely regret it. " Reconciliation with God in the sacrament of general confession requires diligent preparation. Here you will find time for conversation, prayer and reflection that will lead you on the path of God's infinite love to openness and the need to confess your weaknesses to the Lord.

Retreats are a series of catecheses and conferences, as well as reflections based on the indicated fragments of the Holy Scriptures. It is also an opportunity for the daily Eucharist, prayer with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and self-prayer.

Rekolekcje prowadzi ks. Adam Stankiewicz MIC.

Retreats for people who have not made general confession for at least 5 years.

  • cost: od 315 zł do 495 zł per person (including accommodation and meals), payable in cash at check-in
  • the number of places is limited
  • the order of applications decides

Registration for the retreat:

  • personally, at the Pilgrim Service Office
  • by phone (+48) 63 270 81 42, (+48) 63 270 81 63
  • e mail:

Przejdź do kalendarza rekolekcji 2024 r.