Rekolekcje „Zacheusz – chcę ujrzeć Jezusa”, 4-6 czerwca

Participants of the Retreat "Zacchaeus - I want to see Jesus" with Fr. Jarosław Hybza, MIC

On June 4-6, eleven people were looking for the experiences of the biblical Zacchaeus during the Lectio divina - "Zacchaeus - I want to see Jesus" retreat led by Fr. Jarosław Hybza, MIC at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń.

Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore tree because his great desire was to see Jesus. 

The Lectio divina - "Zacchaeus - I want to see Jesus" retreat is an invitation to the participant to find himself in Zacchaeus and in the murmuring crowd, see his sycamore tree and walk the paschal journey with Christ to a new life.

- With his conversion, Zacchaeus gives us an example of how to seek Jesus to save our lives from evil. The retreat is to help walk the path of Zacchaeus through our "sycamore tree", which brings us closer to God, that is life experiences, time of prayer, retreat, and reading the Holy Scriptures. In another sense, the sycamore tree is the cross of Christ that saves. We also pay attention to the likeness of the blind man from Jericho and Zacchaeus, who do not see God - the first for physical reasons, the second for spiritual reasons - explained Fr. Hybza.

Ania Kacprowicz from Warsaw made a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Licheń several times, but for the first time she participated in the retreat. - It was a very special time that allowed me to discover how rich the Word of God is. There were many issues that touched me a lot, including the identity of my name or the matter of suffering. The cross is not easy to bear, so it is worth remembering that suffering serves the development of our faith. Freedom was very valuable to me during this retreat. I had time to reflect, pray, be with myself. I highly recommend it - said Ania Kacprowicz.

The participants bent over the Word of God, participated in the Eucharist every day, and at the end of the deliberations they also received the sacrament of anointing the sick. 

The next Lectio divina retreat, this time called "To love yourself", will take place on July 9-11. We invite you to go deep into yourself, your own life story and the richness of God's Word. We will set out together with the disciples going to Emmaus, walking the way to the depth of union with Jesus through meditation on the Word of God, also experiencing the power of the Eucharist so that our hearts should be filled with love. Let the story of the disciples going to Emmaus become our personal experience of meeting the Risen Lord.

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