Meetings with an icon in Licheń. Coverage of the icon writing workshop

Icon writing workshops were held for the third time this year at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń. These are 11 workshops as part of the meetings with the icon organized in Licheń. The theme of the current edition was the mandillion.

Mandylion, i.e. the image of Christ imprinted on the scarf
During the 11th meeting with the icon in Licheń, we wrote a presentation of the mandillion, i.e. the image of Christ imprinted on the headscarf, which is considered the first icon not made by a human hand, explains the host, Adam Zapora, artist, art historian, museum expert. The degree of difficulty of the performance also influenced the choice of the theme. - There are a lot of people here who are here for the first time. This type is perfect for them to test themselves and learn the basics - adds the artist.
Nazwa wywodzi się od późnogreckiego „mandilion”. Oznacza ręcznik, chustę. Bywa nazywany „Ikoną Ikon”. Stanowi jeden z najważniejszych wizerunków w chrześcijańskiej tradycji Kościoła Wschodniego.
The legend recorded by Eusebius of Caesarea is associated with the creation of this type of representation. After King Abgar V, ruler of Edessa, fell ill with leprosy, he sent a servant to Jesus, asking him to come and heal him. Christ, however, could not come. The king asked the envoy to paint a portrait of the Master in such a case. He was created in an extraordinary way. The messenger was not able to paint the picture, so Christ put the scarf to his face and on it the first non-human representation of the Savior was created. His contemplation healed the king.
The four days in Licheń consist of: theoretical classes, conferences on the icon-writing workshop, also on the topic of a specific meeting, meditation in front of the icon, participation in masses and workshops. Mrs. Maria came to the workshop for the first time together with her friend, a painter. - As soon as I found out about the workshops, I wanted to come! I am a beginner in writing icons. This is only my fourth one, and I haven't had Jesus yet. Here we start each class with prayer. Later this hand works as if we were born to write icons - assures the participant.
The workshops also attract people who are advanced in the art of writing icons. - They will get to know a slightly different approach, a different style of the icon. In Licheń, as the only center in Poland, we teach the writing of Coptic icons - emphasizes Mr. Zapora, adding that the topic was not repeated during any of the workshops. Even though the mandillion was dealt with for the second time, a different type of this performance was chosen.
Participants of the 11th Icon Writing Workshop, Licheń, November 25-28, 2021.
When coming to the workshop, it is good to take openness, humility, patience and the ability to listen. Having these things, while showing step by step, from which pigments we obtain, what color, in what places we apply, everyone is able to make this icon in accordance with the rules of writing icons - adds the leader emphasizing the unique, warm and open family atmosphere prevailing at the workshop.
Workshops are planned four times in 2022: March 3-6, May 26-29; August 4-7 and November 17-20.
Information: Pilgrim Service Office: (63) 270 81 42,
            See the report on the YouTube channel

Text: Sanctuary Press Office

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