"We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." (Mt 2.2)

Isaiah 9: 1-6
The people who walk in the dark have seen a great light.
Eph 5: 8-14
Walk as children of light.
Mt 2,1-12
We saw His star in the East and we came to worship Him.

January 18
„Zobaczyliśmy bowiem Jego gwiazdę na Wschodzie.” (Mt 2,2)
Lift us up and draw us to your wonderful light

For 4.1-7
I see a candlestick all gold.
Ps 139: 1-10
Your right hand will hold me.
2 Tm 1.7-10
A grace given to us in Christ Jesus our Savior.
J 16.7-14
When the Spirit of Truth comes, it will guide you to all truth.

January 19
„Gdzie jest nowo narodzony król Żydów?” (Mt 2,2)
Humble leadership breaks down walls and builds up with love

Jr 23, 1-6
He will reign by acting wisely.
Ps 46
He calms wars to the ends of the earth.
Phil 2.5-11
He (...) did not take advantage of his equality with God.
Mt 20, 20-28
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.

20th January
„Kiedy król Herod to usłyszał, przeraził się, a z nim cała Jerozolima” (Mt 2,3)
Christ's presence turns the world upside down

Neh 4,12-15
We worked on this work from dawn to dusk.
Ps 2: 1-10
Why are nations revolting?
2 Thessalonians 2, 13-17
The Lord is faithful and will strengthen you.
Mt 2,1-5
He was terrified, and all Jerusalem with him.

January 21
„A ty, Betlejem (…) wcale nie jesteś najmniejsze.” (Mt 2,6)
Though small and suffering, we lack nothing

Mi 5: 1-4a. 6-7
He who will rule in Israel will come out of you.
Ps 23
The Lord is my shepherd and I lack nothing.
1 P 2.21-25
Now you have turned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.
Luke 12: 32-40
Don't be afraid, little flock.

January 22
„Gwiazda, którą zobaczyli na Wschodzie, prowadziła ich.” (Mt 2,9)
Guided by the one Lord

Ex 13, 17-14, 4
The Lord walked ahead of them in a pillar of cloud.
Ps 121
I lift my eyes to the mountains, where will my help come from?
Rev 22: 5-9
God will shine on them.
Mt 2,7-10
The star they saw in the East guided them.

January 23
„Zobaczyli Dziecko i Jego matkę, Marię, padli na twarz, oddając Mu pokłon.” (Mt 2,11)
Gathered in worship around one Lord

Ex 3, 1-6
Moses covered his face because he was afraid to look at God.
Ps 84
How lovely are your homes, Lord of hosts!
Rev 4: 8-11
They worship one who lives forever and ever.
Mt 28, 16-20
When they saw him, they worshiped him.

January 24
„Rozłożyli swe skarby i ofiarowali Mu dary: złoto, kadzidło i mirrę.” (Mt 2,11)
Community gifts

Hos 6: 1-6
I want love, not sacrifice.
Ps 100
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and with a song of praise in his courtyards.
Acts 3: 1-10
I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have I give to you.
Mt 6,19-21
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

January 25
„Inną drogą powrócili do swojego kraju.” (Mt 2,12)
Above known divisions to God's new paths

Jr 31, 31-34
I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel.
Ps 16
You will let me know the way of life.
Eph 4: 20-23
That the spirit of your thinking might be renewed.
Mt 11, 25-30
You have hidden these matters from the wise and prudent and have exposed them to those who are like little children.



Texts following the Ecumenical Bible