On November 22, Fr. Janusz Bialucha, MIC, confessor and preacher of the Licheń sanctuary. The deceased priest was accompanied on his last journey by Marian confreres, family, friends and Licheń parishioners.
Funeral ceremonies began in the parish church of st. Dorothy at 1.00 p.m. with the rosary prayed at the coffin with the body of the deceased. The prayer was presided over by Fr. Jarosław Hybza, MIC.
The funeral Holy Mass began at 13.30.

Holy Mass the funeral was presided over by Fr. Tomasz Nowaczek, MIC, Superior of the Divine Providence Province of the Congregation of Marian Fathers. During the sermon, the provincial priest recalled the late Fr. Bialucha, saying that he was characterized by calmness and an attitude of servitude. He recalled the last meeting with the deceased, during which the late Fr. Janusz was ready to accept the new challenges that awaited him in the congregation. The provincial priest also mentioned several other priests from the Marian Congregation who passed away prematurely to the Lord, i.e. before reaching the age of 60. Among them, he mentioned, among others NS. Fr. Henryk Kulik, MIC, former pastor of the Licheń parish, who died at the end of last year.
In the last journey, the late Fr. Janusz Bialucha, MIC was accompanied and prayed for his soul by Marian priests, his family, but also priests from Konin deaneries (for 9 years Fr. Janusz served as a spiritual father in the Konin II deanery), including: Fr. Sławomir Kasprzak from Kramsko, Fr. Józef Wysocki and Fr. Zbigniew Cabański from Konin.
Just before the end of the Eucharist, Fr. Sławomir Kasprzak, who noted that Bishop of Włocławek, Krzysztof Wętkowski, joins the mourners in prayer. Parish priest of st. Stanisław Biskupa Męczennika in Kramsk stressed that the deceased, despite his peaceful character and quiet life, was always ready to help others.
After the mass, the coffin with the body of Fr. Janusz Bialucha, MIC, was led in a funeral procession to the Lichen burial cemetery, where the remains of the priest were buried in the Marian quarters.
Curriculum Vitae
Fr. Janusz Bialucha, son of Hilary and Cecylia née Gorol, came from Ornontowice in Silesia. He was born on August 26, 1963 in Rybnik. He was one of eight siblings. He graduated from primary school in his home town of Ornontowice (1978), then he attended the Technical School of Food Industry. Bronisław Hager in Zabrze, where he acquired the profession of a baker and passed his secondary school-leaving examination (1982). He entered the Congregation of Marian Fathers in 1985. After a month long postulate in Stoczek, he made his novitiate in Skórc and on September 8, 1986 he made his first profession there. Then he studied philosophy and theology at the Catholic University of Lublin, participating for the first two years in classes at the Lublin Theological Seminary, and then in the Marian Seminary, also in Lublin.
On August 26, 1990, he made his perpetual profession in Lublin. On Holy Thursday, March 28, 1991, he received from Bishop Bolesław Pylak, bishop of Lublin, ordained a deacon.
On June 7, 1992, Bishop Bronisław Dembowski, Bishop of Włocławek, ordained him to the presbyterate at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń.
Jeszcze przed wstąpieniem do Zgromadzenia był członkiem klubu piłkarskiego „Górnik Zabrze” i nawet w Zgromadzeniu utrzymywał z klubem żywą relację występując w drużynie oldbojów. Podczas pracy w Głuchołazach, w latach 1994-1996, był trenerem trampkarzy i wice-prezesem ds. wychowania w miejscowej drużynie piłkarskiej „Unia Głuchołazy”.
On August 26, 1996, he was appointed house superior and treasurer of the house as well as the home minister of vocations. In 1998 he was transferred to Licheń to help in the sanctuary pastoral care. In 1999, the superiors sent Fr. Janusz to Stoczek Klasztorny, entrusting him with the function of the 1st house councilor. Three years later, he was appointed house supervisor and home vocation clerk there. In 2005 he was sent to Goźlin (Marianske Porzecze) and appointed the pastor of the local parish as well as the superior and treasurer of the religious house. In 2008, he also became the home vocation chaplain.
In 2011, he was sent to a religious house in Licheń Stary, where he actively joined the sanctuary ministry. He was the 1st house councilor for two terms (2011-2017), and then the 2nd house councilor.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office