Grateful to the founders and builders

Sunday, June 13, was the Day of Gratitude to the Founders and Builders of the Lichen Basilica. Holy Mass for them at 12.00, celebrated by the custodian of the sanctuary, Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC. The celebrations are related to the 17th anniversary of the dedication of the Lichen Basilica on Saturday, June 12.

With the words of the homily, the priest encouraged us to find ourselves on the way that would lead us to God, to heaven. Find its meaning and verify our everyday life, whether it distances us from God by any chance.

Recalling last year, when only five people were allowed to stay in the temples due to the epidemic (the basilica can hold about 10,000 people), he said: This temple welcomes all who want to come to this holy place. It was God who gave us this grace, longing for the temple and a personal encounter with Jesus present at the Holy Mass. The Church cannot live without the Eucharist - that is why we are here as proof of these words. We need temples, signs, places to meet together. Then we are the Church - being with Jesus and before Jesus.

The curator of the Sanctuary recalled the words that 22 years ago (June 7, 1999), during his visit to Licheń, of St. John Paul II said on the steps of the basilica: "I look with admiration at this huge building, which in its architectural momentum is an expression of faith and love for Mary and her Son. Thanks be to God for this temple! (...) I also thank the builders and all those who supported and still support this great work with their sacrifices. "

Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC during the homily

Through memory and prayer, we want to express gratitude to all those who contributed to the creation of this temple and continue to do so, caring for its appearance and maintenance, making it a good, hospitable place for our meetings with Jesus in the Mother's House. We want to thank the donors and builders of this temple. temple. It is an extraordinary sign for our generation. Here is the largest temple, where the center of Poland is located - in the heart of Poland, which has a symbolic dimension. We want to tell the coming generations that in the heart of our homeland there is to be a temple, a place where we want to meet God and experience His closeness

He provided the musical setting for the Holy Mass  sanctuary vocal and instrumental ensemble Galilee.

Next Sunday, June 20, the National Entrepreneurs' Day Pilgrimage will take place at the Sanctuary. Main Mass. at. 12.00 will be chaired by Fr. Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś. He will provide the musical setting for the liturgy choir of the Licheń basilica "Stabat Mater". We will also celebrate Father's Day at the Sanctuary. After the Mass at. At 10:00 a special blessing and entrusting to the Fathers of St. Joseph.

Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC during the celebration

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