Dziś rozpoczynamy XIII Tydzień Biblijny, którego motywem przewodnim są słowa: „Zgromadzeni na świętej Wieczerzy”. To także temat całego roku duszpasterskiego, w którym rozważamy tajemnicę Ofiary Chrystusa, złożonej w Wieczerniku i na krzyżu.
Together with the whole Church in Poland, we are experiencing the Fifth National Reading of the Holy Scriptures, and therefore we want to consider, above all, the sacrificial love of Christ and our response to it:
- is it close to the actions of the traitor Judas;
- or the weariness of sleeping Peter and the other apostles;
- or rather, we imitate the beloved Disciple, faithful women and Mary - the Mother of the Lord, who came with Jesus to his cross and participated in it with faith and love?
This year we are reading the Gospel of St. Mark. Reading the Gospel together in the basilica from 13.15 to 15.00. We invite you to join this initiative. We also encourage you to listen at 11.00 catechesis Fri "How to read the Holy Scriptures in everyday life", which will be delivered by Fr. Jarosław Hybza, MIC. You can also participate in it via the sanctuary's social media.