July 10 - a day of prayers for the parents of lost children

The day of prayers for parents who have lost their child was held on Saturday, July 10 at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń.

The cover of the brochure "A mother's prayer after the loss of a child"

Before the face of the Sorrowful Mother, we want to entrust to God all those fathers and mothers who experienced in their lives the painful loss of their child before birth. Let us embrace them with our prayer, love and compassion. Let this be our joint call to God for our brothers and sisters ... We come to her who is our Mother to entrust our cares. She is a mother who cares about the beauty of our life and our way to heaven. The Sorrowful Mother accompanies us constantly in our everyday life. Today we want to stand by all parents who lost their child before or just after birth. We want to stand in silence, in the silence of the heart of their pain, like Mary under the Cross, who, looking at the death of her Son, did not understand it either. It's a pain that won't go away. We just need to be with these people, not try to explain, look for answers. The most important thing in such situations is presence.

“Man is born of the love of God. The beginning of human existence is precisely his conception. We are called to defend life because life from conception is increasingly unrecognized. Parents hear sometimes - don't worry, it wasn't a baby yet, which makes them even more painful. We want to strengthen the conviction that life begins at conception and is a gift from God. It doesn't matter to Him whether it lasts 3 days, 3 hours or 99 years. It is essential that God calls to life out of love " - said the curator, adding how much "It hurts the resolution of the European Parliament, which calls killing a conceived child as a human right". He also stressed that “Parents have the right to receive their child in a dignified manner. If he died before birth, they have the right to name him, have a holy mass in his intention, bury him, they have the right to mourn, cry, complain "

After the mass, it was possible to light a lantern for the lost child, in order to experience a moment of reflection and reflect briefly. There was also a brochure "A mother's prayer after the loss of a child" that you could take home with you. After the end of the liturgy, Latin choral chants resounded in the basilica. This is how the participants prayed "Ars Celebrandi" workshops.

11 lipca, w niedzielę, podczas głównej Mszy św. o godz. 12.00 będziemy modlić się w intencji teściowych i synowych. Mszę celebrował będzie ks. Janusz Kumala MIC, kustosz sanktuarium. Oprawę muzyczną zapewni sanktuaryjny zespół wokalno – instrumentalny „Galilea”.

Text: Sanctuary Press Office

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