A day with Bl. Marianna Biernacka - mother-in-law and daughter-in-law prayers day

A day with Bl. Marianna Biernacka, the Day of Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-Law Prayers, has become a time of concern for family relations and vocation recognition in the Licheń sanctuary

Blessed Marianna Biernacka (1888-1943)
Blessed Marianna, one of the 108 martyrs of World War II, gave her life for her daughter-in-law Anna, who, in an advanced stage of pregnancy, was taken to be shot during the pacification of Leipzig by the Germans.
This spontaneous gesture of the Blessed was a consequence of her whole life of faith. Her relatives have remembered her image as a very pious woman. The daughter-in-law she saved said that she learned to pray with songs from her.
Blessed Marianna Biernacka is the patron saint of mother-in-law, but her intercession is also invoked by women in a blessed state and widows.

During the noon Mass. Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary, emphasized that everyone received a calling from God, not only a priest or a doctor, but also a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. - We are to fulfill the tasks that God tells us to do in everyday life - said Fr. Kumala then presented the story of the blessed.

Marianna lost her parents as a small child. After getting married, she worked on a farm. In everyday life, she was characterized by piety and kindness. During World War II, Marianna, already a widow, lived with her son Stanisław and her daughter-in-law Anna.
She was only 55 when the Germans came to their home on the morning of July 1, 1943. The Gestapo sought revenge for the killing of a German soldier by partisans. Mass death sentences were issued against the inhabitants of Leipzig and the surrounding area. The list of those sentenced to be shot also includes Marianna's son Stanisław and his wife. They were expecting a second child to be born.
Marianna fell at the feet of the German without hesitation and begged him to take her instead of his daughter-in-law. The head of the village, who was present in the situation, translated, and the German agreed. Stanisław and Marianna were taken and shot shortly thereafter. Anna stayed at home with her unborn child and her two-year-old daughter, Gienia.

In the homily, the curator noted that such a gesture of sacrifice was unusual and unusual. It provokes reflection on the mother-in-law-son-in-law relationship not only in the context of the victim, but also in everyday life. - Am I giving my life for my daughter-in-law now? I can serve her kindly, am I understanding, do I suppress the relationship between my son and my daughter-in-law? - asked the homilist.

Daughters-in-law also encouraged to consider whether they could accept the mother-in-law's help, her maternal love?

Everyone gathered at the Holy Mass. were invited to reflect on their calling. - It seems to us that holiness is not for us, on the contrary: it consists in fulfilling our vocation. It is important to live in the love of God and perform duties out of love for your loved ones - said Fr. Janusz Kumala. He encouraged the use of the sacrament of penance and reconciliation and meeting Christ in the Eucharist. - If we radiate love and kindness, we show God. We are to bear witness to the Good News - said the celebrant.

Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, curator of the sanctuary, July 11, 2021

Marianna Biernacka on June 13, 1999 was beatified by St. John Paul II in the group of 108 Martyrs of World War II. The place of their worship is located in our diocese in the chapel of the lower basilica in Licheń, where every Saturday, before June 13, nationwide celebrations are held in their honor. Blessed Marianna Biernacka is the patron saint of mother-in-law, but her intercession is also invoked by women in a blessed state and widows.

Oprawę muzyczną Mszy św. zapewnił zespół wokalno – instrumentalny sanktuarium „Galilea”.

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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