Festiwal „Basilica Sonans” – koncert organowy, Andrzej Chorosiński (Warszawa)

Andrzej Chorosiński's organ concert ended this year's Basilica Sonans festival on the last summer Sunday. The recital was accompanied by recitations by Michał Chorosiński, theater and film actor and director.

Andrzej Chorosiński graduated with honors from the Warsaw Academy of Music in 1972. In the same year, he received the first prize at the international organ improvisation competition in Cologne.
He has performed in almost all European countries, as well as in Israel, the USA, Canada, Australia, South Korea and Japan. He has performed in such renowned venues as the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, Koncerthuset in Stockholm, and Sala im. Pyotr Tchaikovsky in Moscow, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, King's College Chappel in Cambridge, auditorium of Paul VI in the Vatican and the Cathedral of St. Patrick's Day in New York and Town Hall in Adelaide.
Professor of the organ class at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. In the years 1993-1999 the rector of that university. In the years 1993-2000 a member of the AECAM Presidium - Rectors' Conference of 135 European Music Academies. In 1997-2002, the artistic director of the Lower Silesian Philharmonic in Jelenia Góra. 
In 2008 he was awarded the title doctor honoris causa at Keymung University in South Korea.
Consultant and author of numerous projects in the field of organ construction in Poland and abroad, incl. in Germany, Canada and Japan.
- Our Lady of Licheń is the patroness of organists - explained Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary, tells how during World War II it was a lichen organist who hid the miraculous image of the Mother of God from the German Nazis and destruction. - I do not know a place or event that would allow an organist to save a miraculous painting, neither in Poland nor in the world. Hence, such a Festival is organized here and many organists from Poland and abroad come to play and pray here. The beauty of organ music reflects the beauty of the heart, said the curator.
 - I am honored and obliged to offer a very warm thanks; not only on his own behalf, but also on behalf of organists from Poland, Europe and the world, Fr. Janusz Kumala, for the initiative of this Festival, and the Marian Fathers for the fact that the largest instrument in Poland, the third in Europe and the tenth largest in the world was created - said Andrzej Chorosiński.
The Lichen organ ensemble has 12 323 pipes, and the instruments that make up it represent 5 styles of European organ construction. - Your numerous presence confirms that this Festival will stay here for decades and longer - added Chorosiński.
Podczas finałowego koncertu nie mogło zabraknąć słynnej Toccaty i Fugi d moll Jana Sebastiana Bacha. Twórca koncepcji brzmieniowej licheńskich organów wykonał także Andantino g moll ojca francuskiego symfonizmu – Cesara Francka. Koncert zakończyła Fantazja i Fuga na temat chorału „Ad nos, ad salutarem undam” Franciszka Liszta inspirowana melodią chorału z opery Le prophète Giacomo Meyerbeera.
Between the pieces, the gathered people listened to the text of the Vows of King Jan Kazimierz, which on April 1, 1656, in the Lviv cathedral, together with senators, took a solemn oath, proclaiming Our Lady the Queen of the Polish Crown and entrusted her to the protection of the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland. Michał Chorosiński also presented the nation's vows in Jasna Góra, written by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the Primate of Poland, during his internment and taken on August 26, 1956 at Jasna Góra.
This year, ten concerts took place during the 3rd International Organ Music Festival in Lichen. On summer Sundays, the Licheń Basilica hosted musicians from Poland, Austria, the Vatican, Germany, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Works were performed, among others. Johann Sebastian Bach, Cesar Franck, Franciszek Liszt, Mieczysław Surzyński and Edvard Grieg.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

Also read:  Organ concerts

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