II National Day of Prayers for non-sacramental relationships

The 2nd National Day of Prayers for the intention of people living in non-sacramental relationships was held on Sunday, August 2 in the Lichen basilica

The central event was the noon Mass celebrated by Fr. I am kumala in front of the Miraculous Picture of Our Lady of Lichen. “Our Lady embraces us with her gaze full of love and mercy. As the Patroness of Family Happiness, she looks at our families, marriages and each of us. She is a concerned mother who wants our good; The one who encourages and persuades with her motherly love to open herself to the action of her Son, Jesus Christ " Said the Marian, “She accompanies us and convinces us that it is worth trusting and entrusting to God. He shows us the Face of a loving and merciful God who bows down to each of us, because we are all His beloved children ".

These people remain in the community of the Church and should not feel disconnected or rejected ... We want to say in the Lichen temple to those who find themselves in this situation [in a non-sacramental relationship, at ed.]: God loves you, he does not leave you. He has not turned his back on you, His invitation to Heaven is still valid, you are not excluded or expelled from the Church!

About 3,000 gathered people prayed for people living in non-sacramental relationships that, despite the difficulties, they would try to build their lives on mutual understanding and on the foundation of faith, hope and love based on God's Word and prayer. The custodian of the Licheń Sanctuary encouraged people to support their friends and relatives living in non-sacramental relationships with their prayers. In his homily, the priest drew attention to the fact that currently every third married couple in Poland are getting divorced, which in turn shows how many couples experience serious crises.

The monk spoke about the Eucharistic hunger of people in non-sacramental relationships, which he cannot satisfy. In contrast to them, there are people who have no obstacles to receive Communion, and do not want to take advantage of this opportunity.
Referring to the words of the Gospel read on Sunday, he asked if we see the miracles in which we participate? "To see a miracle, you have to believe" - said the curator of the sanctuary - "If we do not feed on this Bread, we will continue to be hungry, we will fail, we will not fulfill our tasks - therefore, let us open our hearts to receive Him." The priest also encouraged people who could not receive Holy Communion to cultivate a hunger for the Eucharist.

Several hundred people also participated in the Eucharist, connecting through transmission. One of the internet users on the Facebook profile of the Sanctuary commented on today's prayer: “The sanctuary in Licheń, as one of the few, does not forget and prays for people who experience the impossibility of getting married in a church. In some cases, they have God deeply in their hearts and it is also worth praying for them, because Our Lady of Lichen takes care of everyone. "

Immediately after the Holy Mass, a special concert took place, during which the largest organ in the country was accompanied by a trumpet. The performers were Maciej Gwóźdź (trumpet) and Łukasz Rogowicz (organ). Meanwhile, at 2.30 pm, Johannes Skudlik from Munich sat at the counter of the Lichen organ, playing another of the concerts of the 2nd International Lichen Festival of Organ Music.

This weekend, Marian Fathers invite you to the Lichen Women's Day (Saturday, August 8), the theme of which is the words: "I met Jesus". Main Mass will be checked in at At 12.00, and at 9.00, 11.00 and 17.00, you will be able to listen to thematic biblical catecheses.

Next Sunday (August 9), families will meet with Jesus at the mother's house. The main Holy Mass with the Eucharistic blessing of families is scheduled for 12.00.

Lichen Stary, August 2, 2020

Text: Justyna Zacharek, Sanctuary Press Office

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