Chapel of the Holy Cross

The Chapel of the Holy Cross is located in the lower part of the Church of Our Lady of Częstochowa. You can enter it from the side of Golgotha. There is a crucifix in the altar with an extraordinary history.

Wiele lat po wojnie znieważony krzyż, z wyraźnymi śladami po kulach, zawisł w ołtarzu Kaplicy Świętego Krzyża. Krucyfiks cieszy się ogromną czcią wiernych.  Nie sposób wyjechać z Lichenia, nie uklęknąwszy przed nim

During World War II, in the parish church of St. Dorothy, the Nazis organized a school for boys from the Hitlerjugend camp. Young Germans were trained in cruelty. Those who remember those times say that Berta Bauer, the boys' tutor, stood out in particular. One day in July 1944, wanting to show her pupils that there was no God, she gathered them all in front of the cemetery chapel. Then she aimed the pistol and shot the crucifix above the entrance to the chapel. She said, "If God existed, He should punish me immediately." A few hours later, when she was going to the Konin train station, a passing plane shelled her car. She died instantly.

In the side altars of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, there are two paintings by Olga Bajkowska, which deserve special attention: Pieta and the Warsaw Uprising.


wrzesień, 2024