"To love yourself" retreat

The first is: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You will love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

The history of the life of each of us is a sacred history and at the same time a history of salvation because God writes it. It is a mystery to each of us, because we can understand it only in God. There are days of hosanna and days of the cross in our life story. Są w niej miejsca jak pola pszenicy i pola chwastu. Czasami doświadczamy w życiu radości i szczęścia góry Tabor, a czasami smutku i bólu góry Golgoty. The story of our lives must be heard well in the light of the Word of God in order to learn to know ourselves better and love ourselves.

We invite you to go deep into yourself, your own life story and the richness of God's Word. We will set out with the students going to Emmaus the way to the depth of union with Jesus through meditation on the Word of God, so that our hearts will be filled with love. And also by experiencing the power of the Eucharist so that our eyes may be opened and see the Eternal Light. Let the story of the disciples going to Emmaus become our personal experience of meeting the Risen Lord. 

Rekolekcje prowadzi ks. Jarosław Hybza MIC.

  • cost: od 250 zł do 360 zł per person (including accommodation and meals), payable in cash at check-in
  • the number of places is limited
  • the order of applications decides


Registration for the retreat:

  • personally, at the Pilgrim Service Office
  • by phone (+48) 63 270 81 42, (+48) 63 270 81 63
  • e mail:

Przejdź do kalendarza rekolekcji 2024 r.