Participants of the Polish Congress of Altar Servers, along with the chaplains and guardians, took part in the Holy Mass at 12.00, commemorating the 103rd anniversary of Poland regaining independence

About 140 young representatives of 9 Marian parishes (in Skórc, Warszawa-Praga, Warszawa-Stegny, Warszawa-Marymont, Góra Kalwaria, Lublin, Rdzawka on Mariankach and hosts from Lichen Stary). “They gathered in large numbers to deepen their relationship with God, Mary and one another; thank you for being an altar, that is, someone who serves, who is closest to the altar, gazes at Christ. " - said Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, encouraging them to pray for the altar boys so that their presence at the altar would be fruitful, also in later adult life.
"The National Independence Day draws attention to the matter of the Fatherland, for whose freedom we thank, but we also ask that we be responsible for it and find our own place in it" - emphasized the curator priest. “Today we want to look at our homeland with hope. Not because it is growing economically. The young generations are hope for the future of the Motherland. That is why it is so important to support those who are on the threshold of the way they can travel here or go beyond the borders of our country. "
According to Fr. Kumali, our love for the Motherland should be expressed through memory and gratitude. “The memory of the past, what happened on this land, the people who worked here and fought for its independence and freedom. It should be associated with gratitude to the generations that have come before us, building our sweat and blood today. The fact that we have a homeland, whose name is Poland, we owe to previous generations " Said the Marian.

During the Eucharist, prayers were surrounding all Poles who rule our country, the Polish diaspora living in different parts of the world, as well as for those who died in defense of freedom and sovereignty of our homeland. After the liturgy, there was a concert of patriotic songs performed by the Sanctuary Brass Quintet, which is made up of graduates and students of the Music Academies of Poznań, Łódź and Bydgoszcz. The audience could hear, among others The "Panzer boys" march, which is a song of the First Armored Division of General Stanisław Maczek, the song "Maki", and "About my rosemary" or "Wojenko, wojko".
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office