XII Ogólnopolska Konferencja „Grunt to zdrowie, Ziemia to skarb”, z cyklu „Pożyteczne mikroorganizmy dla nowoczesnego rolnictwa”

Agriculture, human health and how to implement ready-made solutions based on probiotechnology - these were the main topics of the conference, which took place on November 26-27 at the Licheń sanctuary.

Sławomir Gacka, President of the Management Board of ProBiotics Polska

For several years now, the Healthy Earth Circle, which includes, among others, ProBiotics Polska meets with specialists, farmers and all interested parties to talk about modern agriculture based on natural solutions for the health of soil, plants, animals and people. Every day, ProBiotics Polska teaches how to wisely use the resources of nature, use beneficial microorganisms, mainly probiotics. This year, however, the formula of the conference was changed. - We are experiencing sickness, which is why all processes of human life and the life of companies are disturbed. For this reason, we devoted one day of the conference to the subject of the sacred, which we called the day of thanksgiving. The main point was the morning Eucharist - said Sławomir Gacka, President of the Management Board of ProBiotics Polska.

Conference participants listened to a lecture by Fr. prof. Bogumiła Gacki, MIC "Reference to God, Reference to Man, Reference to Nature" and Cezary Ritter on ecology as defined by John Paul II. Participants also had the opportunity to get to know St. Faustina Kowalska, thanks to Fr. Janusz Kowalski, the custodian of the Sanctuary of the Birth and Baptism of St. Faustina in Świnice Warckie. The experience of the Church in Africa and Uganda was shared by Fr. Leonard Sanyu from Uganda. The meeting ended with an artistic part with the participation of the actor Stanisław Jaskułka.

More about Probiotics Polska here

The next day of the conference focused on agriculture and human health, it was about the necessary changes and ready-made solutions based on probiotechnology that are worth implementing. - The time of a pandemic is an opportunity to stop and seek value. To notice civilization errors: unreasonable exploitation of nature, environmental degradation. It has nothing to do with God's will, but to make profit at any cost. The challenge is to instill in the minds of the word "stop", to realize that there is too much chemicals in agriculture, but above all in our households. This requires radical changes, not minor adjustments, emphasized Sławomir Gacka.

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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