Christ is the foundation - XXII Pilgrimage of Waterworks, Sewerage, Municipal Economy and Environmental Protection Workers

The XXII Pilgrimage of Waterworks, Sewerage, Municipal Economy and Environmental Protection Workers arrived on May 8 at the Shrine of Our Lady of Licheń. Holy Mass at. 12 was chaired by Fr. Grzegorz Krząkała, the national chaplain.

On the feast of St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr, the main patron of Poland, and the 76th anniversary of the end of World War II, gathered in the Licheń basilica prayed for the intention of the Fatherland. Representatives of the water supply, sewage, municipal economy and environmental protection from various parts of Poland entrusted Our Lady of Licheń with individual intentions. They were greeted by Fr. Bogusław Binda, MIC, superior of the Lichen community of Marian priests and brothers.

- We have a specific type of professional interest, but we always reach for the foundation of our conscience formation. Often there is a temptation to enter into strictly professional matters, but it is forgotten that a well-formed person is the beginning of everything else. St. Stanisław fought for the well-formed consciences of the king and his subordinates, that was the most important thing. It is related to a work ethic, love and social justice. However, it must be based on a deep relationship with God at the root - emphasized Fr. Grzegorz Krząkała, the national chaplain for water supply, sewage, municipal and environmental protection workers.

Usually, members of the pastoral ministry come in a group of several thousand, from all over Poland, for a two-day pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of St. Józef in Kalisz and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń. The pandemic still prevents traditional pilgrimages. 

At the end of the Eucharist, Fr. Grzegorz Krząkała read the act of entrusting the employees to Our Lady of Licheń.

In the Holy Mass alumni of the 3rd year of the Major Seminary in Toruń also participated.

Representation of the Ministry of Water Supply, Sewerage, Municipal Economy and Environmental Protection Employees

- We bring our cares to Mary, but also thanks for the whole year, for every good that we receive from the hands of the Mother of God and her Son Jesus Christ.

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