In the Licheń sanctuary we meet Mary, whom we venerate as the Sorrowful Queen of Poland ... this small image of the Mother of God, which we gaze at, according to tradition, has been present on our land since 1836. Then the tiny image of the Mother of God was in the blacksmith's house , Tomasz Kłossowski in Izabelin. It was Izabelin who was the first hospitable place for the image of the Mother of God. The pious blacksmith did not keep it for himself, but under the influence of suffering a disease, experiencing the impending death, he heard an inner voice to take the image to some public place, so that others could also worship the Mother of God through this image.
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, May 3, 2021
"On the feast of Our Lady, Queen of Poland, our entire homeland looks up to her who is our Queen" - said Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Lichen Sanctuary during the main Holy Mass in the basilica at 12.00, May 3, 2021
In 1656, King Jan Kazimierz entrusted our country to the protection of the Mother of God, electing her the Queen of Poland - explained Fr. Kumala begins the solemn liturgy. Pope John XXIII announced the main Patroness of the country, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. In the 230th adoption of the Constitution of May 3, in Licheń, people prayed that Poles looking at the example of Mary, humbly fulfill God's will and serve the cause of Christ on earth. On May 3, the Day of Prayers for Polish Emigration was also celebrated - Poles scattered all over the world were also prayed in the basilica. The state authorities were also remembered and asked that their service to the nation and each person would contribute to peace in the world and in the Homeland.
- “Today, in all sanctuaries of our homeland, the faithful gather to thank Christ for having a Mother. Give thanks for Mary, her participation in the work of redemption, presence in the life of the Church and, as Poles, for presence in the life of our nation. In difficult and painful history, as well as in glorious moments, she has always been and is with us to ensure that we constantly obey her Son " - said Fr. Kumala.
A small painting was hung by a blacksmith on a pine tree on the road to Lichen. "We can read it symbolically" - explained the homilet - “This is how the painting's journey towards Lichen, towards the parish church in Lichen begins. The path in the forest was used by the inhabitants of the surrounding towns, who shortened their way to reach, among others on Sunday for Holy Mass in Licheń. We can say that Mary began to be present on the way of people going to the temple. When the painting was transferred to the parish temple (1852) - since then, she welcomed pilgrims in the temple who came to change their lives, in accordance with the message of Mary in 1850. She was a witness here, the patroness of internal changes of thousands of pilgrims who had been coming here since the mid-nineteenth century. "
"It was the time of partitions when Poland was not on the world map" - added Fr. curator - “The Lichen sanctuary was one of the places where people came to strengthen themselves in the hope that the freedom of the homeland would be restored. It was here, in front of the Image of Our Lady of Lichen, where pilgrims came to weep, complain and cry for the freedom of the Fatherland. They understood at the same time that this freedom would come if the freedom of their hearts would come. That is why there were many conversions, confessions and prayers that changed people's hearts and the Polish nation. The white eagle on Mary's breast indicated that in the context of God's presence, Poland would retain her identity - being close to Mary, one could endure suffering. The image of Lichen is the image of the Sorrowful Mother standing under the cross. "
“May this meeting with Our Lady of Licheń encourage us to welcome Mary into our hearts like the once beloved disciple on Golgotha, following the Master's command. Make her a mother who guides us through life and a Queen who reminds us of obedience to her son and wants us to reign with him " - encouraged Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC.
On May 3, in the basilica, all Holy Masses were concluded with a prayer for the Homeland of Fr. Piotr Skarga:
God, Ruler and Lord of nations, from your hand and discipline, please do not let us go, and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, our Queen, bless our Fatherland, that she may always be faithful to You, bring glory to Your Name and lead her sons to happiness ...
After the noon Eucharist, there was a concert of Marian songs performed by Barbara Kaczor, organist of the Licheń basilica.